
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Random Ramblings: Watch Dog Review

Watch Dog is exactly about what it has for its title, you’re a watch dog for the city of fictional super modern Chicago.
I personally had waited a long time for this game, probably ever since Ubisoft released Watch Dog’s first trailer. Don’t know how long ago that was.
The trailer gave an impression of new innovative gameplay breakthrough where you can command the cities’ whole infrastructure to help you on your quest for vengeance, of course they did not mention that free dramatic angle will not be included in the final game release. And just like all trailers, dramatic camera angle creates the most drama out of the shortest time.
I’m gonna make this quick, so basically this is what happened that leads to our initial gameplay:
1.     Adrian’s hotel heist went bad, he and his partner bailed and split before caught
2.     Hotel owner got pissed and sent fixers (assassins) to get them
3.     Fixer attacked Adrian while he was driving with his niece and nephew on board the car, niece got killed.
4.     Adrian uses his hacking skill to prevent and solve crimes while trying to chase down the person who sent the fixer after him.
5.     Sad and Angry = Hacking and Shooting

“Wow everything is so great in Watch Dog. Look at the complex city! Look at the all the people living here! Look at the sunbeam reflecting on the concrete wall!
Let’s do the first mission!”
And this is where my disappointment came in, Watch Dogs does not bring anything new on the genre of sandbox gameplay.
As much as I wanted to defend this long awaited title, the truth is for me I feel like I was being let down big time.
I don’t feel like I’m doing anything new, fine, the hacking might be interesting for the first 15 minutes but then it became same old same press X on every camera.
There is no challenge in getting your weapons, I had bought most of the guns from the store the first hour of gameplay by just hacking people’s cellphone and doing pop up quests.
The vehicles, who cares about completing the entire collection of them when I can use only a motorbike to take down an entire convoy of bad guys.
And driving feels more like rowing a canoe on dry land.

I have to say that graphic is this game main savior, everything in the games is beautiful if you’re running on ultra setting running at 60fps.
You would wish that every games that is release from now on will have the same standard of atmosphere that Watch Dogs can create.
Hats off to designers/programmers that understand lighting, shade, and reflections are keys to create ambient.

As a photographer looking at this level of graphic engine on real gameplay is maddening in a good delicious way.

We don’t have this kind of beautiful view in Jakarta!!! I can almost smell the water and leaves.

Hold up T-Bone, I am lost in thoughts from watching the raindrops.

This game kinda ruined reality for me to be honest, the raindrops that I saw on the parking lot yesterday was a lot murkier than this.
And when I hung out around the bridge trying to appreciate the sunset all I can see was trash in the river and the lack of sun in the sky.

Final Thoughts
All things blended into one, Watch Dogs is an entertaining game, I would recommend this blockbuster title to be enjoyed once by everybody who can.
Despite the nightmare that is driving around and shallow gunfight system, I had fun playing it.
Would I play it again? Probably not for the mission, but to take a walk outdoor, deep in thoughts (You can’t do that where I live)
It took me forever to finish the game though, not because Watch Dog was hard and engaging, it was because Dead Space 3 (Release date February 2013) was on sale for U$7.00.
And who can say no to shooting morphing corpses in space?


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