
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Furry Friends

Had the most adorable and furry assignment ever! We were tasked to shoot some furry friends and their respected humans for the November 2014 edition of Indonesia Tatler. Thank you owners for letting us in your home and allowing us precious time with your very loved fur buddies! I must say, it wasn't easy shooting dogs. But there were tons of cuddles, and treats, and belly rubs to follow after! \^^/

(Left to right: Koko - with his tongue forever out; Lulu, Panda, Snowy & Petra (yes there's another dog there)) ^^

Davina (the human) with two of her rescues. She runs a dog rescue non-profit and is currently hosting about 35 furry friends.

 The owners of Vodka & Latte Doggie Shower, Daycare & Hotel with their humans v^^v
Left to right: Latte, Vodka & Kimo

 Renowned fashion designer Sebastian Gunawan with half of his pack

The ones that didn't make it:
(Sebastian Gunawan with the other half of his pack... sort of... he still has another pack inside) 

It is hard being a model. Have to pose for treats in the middle of a hot day. More treats please!

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