
Friday, September 5, 2014

Giyanti Coffee Roastery

A behind-the-scenes look at the latest 'it' coffee place in Jakarta, published in Dewi magazine (Majalah Dewi), March 2014 issue. Shown is owner/barista/roaster Hendrik Halianto  brewing and serving customers. What I personally like about this (tiny) place is the sense of community it brings. Everyone is so welcoming and doesn't hesitate to chat up a conversation with you or leave you alone with your book. The food there isn't really that amazing (with the exception of the Lamington cake, gluten-free chocolate brownie and pies), so people really go there just for the coffee. And on a busy day like Saturday, it is almost impossible to stay there to 'nongkrong' for more than an hour. It is mostly order, drink, chat a bit, then go. And everyone who goes there is quite considerate to do this. The place is very 'homey', and quite un-hipster-ish. There is no snobbiness in the air, and everything is very laid-back. Well at least that's what I feel. Located in the heart of Jakarta in Jalan Surabaya (right next to Cali Deli - you can order from the deli and eat in the cafe too ^^).

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