This is gonna be awkward...I haven't written anything on the internet since I don't know when.
The reason we, Captografia, are doing this blog is so that we can connect with a wider audience. For me, I just want to discover new people who share the same passion.
We'll do whatever we think might be interesting for us and you guys out there. We'll post pictures from our photoshoot, behind the scene, random pics. We might do camera reviews, food recipe reviews, game reviews, reviews of reviews, etc. But hopefully we can stick to what we are passionate about, photography.
Let me reintroduce Capto;Grafia once again. We are a photography company established some years ago in late 2010, for the precise date the other Captografian should remember better than me.
If you ask me why we team up and made Captografia I would say it was because we both wanted to explore the world of professional photography. We had experienced the highs and lows of it all, but all and all we made it up until now and we certainly learn a lot from it.
I will try to update this blog at least once every 2 days. Hopefully I can keep up with that number.
So to know more about us, visit us here as we keep on growing together with you internet peeps. Wish us luck 👍👍👍, because it is the right thing to do.
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