
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

stellarissa for jakarta food and fashion festival 2014

Our good friend Stella Rissa had just showed her latest collection (that we shot - and soon to be posted here) in Jakarta Food and Festival 2014. The collection opened the Trendology show, which featured six young fashion designers in the country. It was to our surprise that she also featured the video that we made for this collection as the backdrop of her show! This was shot using a Nikon D90 with ISO 800, shutter of 1/200 at f/2.8
I know I should be upgrading that camera to a newer one, but since I rarely shoot runways now, I think Hatori (that's what I named the camera) is still a pretty good workhorse. I also have forgotten how much I have missed the press pit and the commaraderie between the press photographers. I wasn't representing any press when I shot this, but they were very nice enough to let me stay, and even shifted me a bit that I ended up right in the centre (now how did that happened?). If you're a photographer and never shot in a press/media pit before, you are missing out I tell ya. You gotta experience it at least a couple of times - especially during fashion week. Here are a few tips if you're in the pit:

1. Keep in mind that respect is key here. You may be camping out on that spot for a couple of hours already, but there may be other togs who have camped out for days and just happened to be late that day. Seniority is key. Know who is the head of the pit. Asking around nicely is very appropriate. 

2. Actually, being nice all around is very appreciated. We're all in this together, camping out in a small cramped space to get a shot, so no need for ego or thinking that you have the best camera, etc. Most probably, the other togs have more experience than you. So, again, be nice and be respectful. Throwing in a couple of jokes here and there is also recommended. If you don't know any jokes, just laugh when other togs are telling jokes. 

3. And be smart. Don't block other people's shots (especially the video person at the back), ask around if you're okay where you are. There may be a few togs who will be hard on you, but there will always be the nice ones. 

4. Yoga is recommended since you are probably required to squeeze in between people's crotches and hold an uncomfortable position for hours. 

5. Bring a ladder/small foldable chair and be nice about sharing it if you're not using it. 

6. Be nice and respectful. So if for some reason there's a PR person haggling you to move to a different spot, the other togs in the pit will route for you. 

7. Last but not least. DON'T USE FLASH. Unless you want to be hit by a monopod (or get screamed at, or both).

(check out a few of the pics from the other designers' collection in my personal blog).

 With the other designers at the end of the show

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